Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year, New Heart

Jeremiah 17:9-10 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? 10 I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

Heart: Hebrew: leb 1) inner man, mind, will, heart, understanding
Heart: Greek: kardi,a kardia {kar-dee'-ah} that organ in the animal body which is the centre of the circulation of the blood, and hence was regarded as the seat of physical life 1) denotes the centre of all physical and spiritual life, 2a) the soul or mind, as it is the fountain and seat of the thoughts, passions, desires, appetites, affections, purposes, endeavours
Deceitful: Hebrew: {aw-kobe'} 1) deceitful, sly, insidious, slippery
Wicked: Hebrew: {aw-nash'} 1) to be weak, sick, frail, to be incurable

So according to Jeremiah, our heart/inner man, will, is deceitful, sly, insidious, and slippery, the heart is weak, frail and incurable, and who can know it?

I have discovered that a vast majority of issues that many encounter are relational issues. On one hand it is our vertical relationship between us and God, and on the other hand, it is our horizontal relationships with others.

Significant relationships require love, and love requires the involvement of the heart. Therefore if we are to have successful, vibrant, God inspired relationships of any kind, it is incumbent of us to address the heart. The heart is internal, and it is difficult to diagnose the condition of the heart by looking on the outside individual. The Lord told Samuel “... man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.” So let’s take an honest in depth at the heart…

What is the condition of my heart?
(normally I would use the pronoun we/our to make it generic, but I will be the guinea pig and put myself out there)
I’ve discovered that my heart is strong for others. I pride myself on being compassionate and a conduit of love that flows from God through me to the world. Personally my heart is damaged and fragile (this blog is becoming way to personal.) not in a victimized sense of the word, where I desire pity but in a realistic sense. Don’t get it twisted my heart is also deceitful. I have a tendency to love in matrix that don’t require me to have the love reciprocated (i.e. ministry and professional life). When people validate me in these scenarios, I immediately give it back to God. Very little risk is required on my end; however, it is deceitful because it isn’t just about giving it to God, it’s about a subtle fear of being vulnerable and exposed to rejection so I share my love in these areas that don’t expose me personally. Ultimately in regards to serving others, I expect nothing in return, and if love is reciprocated, I give it back to God while I remain emotionally distant from the equation.

How did it become this way?
Spiritually speaking my heart became strong from trusting God, and following His word, allowing his love to fill my heart. My heart has also incurred damage through disappointment with God, where I have become bitter and disheartened when my reality doesn’t seem to match my expectations of God and His word. This trend is prevalent personally, from childhood, through adolescence, into adulthood when exposing our hearts to individuals whose words don’t match behaviors, these actions can chip away and slowly erode our heart. As a result trust is broken, confidence is shattered and hearts become critical, cynical, jaded, and fearful. Instead of allowing ourselves to feel, driven by fear we protect our heart in many ways which is dangerous because it interferes with experiencing real God love. For God, fear and love are mutually exclusive. 1 John 4:18 18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

How does this impact the way I live my life?
Some respond to the hurt and pain of their past, by switching roles allowing the victim to be the perpetrator. In actuality, the new perpetrator remains a victim, because they are living without the innocence they once had, allowing love to be less than pure and a game based on calculation and manipulation. Therefore this response is not a viable option.
It affects the way I live because, even on a personal level often I love to the extent that doesn’t require me to trust or be affected. The moment I decide to trust I am exposed to another person. To combat this fear, often I would allow a person inside and then reject them when they got close to my comfort zone, not recognize what I was rejecting, was really what I desired. In a weird way, I would sabotage or hurt myself so I didn’t have to experience hurt from the other party. (Craziness! the bible is right the heart is a trip, who could know it?) Don’t get it twisted, I have learned (and continue to learn) to use extreme discretion before giving your heart to an individual. But even after we decide (this is a conscious decision, and remember decisions come with a responsibility and a duty, so make wise decisions) to take the risk, I have learned not to trust the person, but to trust the God that is inside of the person. Which is why it is difficult to have a meaningful relationship with anyone who is not connected to God, and allowing God to shape and mold them in His image. It is imperative that a person loves God more than they love you. Not just in words, but in action. It takes time for actions to manifest themselves. Time provides multiple scenarios and situations to discover who a person is. If you want to know what something is made of, you change the environment. I used to subscribe to the theory, when people tell you about themselves believe them, I would add an addendum to that, when people show you themselves, believe that as well.

So God I need you in essence to choose for me. If my heart according to the word is slippery and deceitful, I do not want to make decisions from this corrupt place. I can’t “follow my heart,” but I desire now to follow your heart. Perhaps my heart needs to be broken so I can have a heart transplant, where your heart beats inside of me. So that is where I have arrived, I am tired of operating on myself alone. I need you to be my cardiologist and Create in me a clean heart and renew a right Spirit. Please schedule my surgery immediately.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Thief In the Night

Okay this is getting ridiculous, my third blog this week! I feel like my best friend is becoming this blog page. (pathetic if you ask me lol) So I had a phenomenal Christmas with my family, we prayed and the power of God was in our home, I really felt like the true meaning of Christmas was recognized this morning. In addition to countless texts and phone calls with family and friends, a wonderful dinner, the Lakers won! Okay, that is not what prompted me to write. I was watching television and Direct TV was airing on the God channel “A Thief in the Night” made in 1973 with patty Dunning, Mike Niday, and Colleen Niday. This movie set in Des Moines Iowa so vividly captures the rapture on a level that changed my life as a child like never before. (Here’s the wilkapedia sight on the movie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Thief_in_the_Night)

It was a cold Friday Night at the Apostolic Faith Home Assembly, and I was upstairs in a building called Douglas Memorial Hall, and the images from the movie were imbeded in my mind. They took the messages of the bible and captured them in cinematic form. Along with the bible, Fred Hammond Pages of Life chapters 1 and 2, add this movie to your Spiritual Survival kit. This was a powerful evangelism tool. It sparked fear (for real like even the soundtrack evokes great emotion, they have this slow song called You’ve Been Left Behind! Crazy), but this fear drove me to a relationship with God based on love. I am currently watching the scene when the rapture has just occurred and Rev. Turner who didn’t preach the word is talking to Patty after the rapture, he asks himself "How many did I mislead? How many are still here because of me?!" I resolved long ago I would not be Rev. Turner, I would not fail to teach about the rapture, see most recently the message the “The Wedding Planner.” I take it seriously being a watchman on the wall and will do any and everything in my power to share the word of God and prepare all for the return of Jesus Christ. (I am all about total ministry that deals with the total man and life on earth, but if we aren’t preparing people to see Jesus, then what are we doing?)

While I am resolved not to be Rev. Turner, now my prayer is that I will not be Patty, the one who heard the word but did not surrender to the word completely. Each time I watch the movie I can only imagine the anguish I would feel being left behind, knowing what’s to come, and how the media will try to spin the word of God, and the pressure the world government will place on everyone to take the mark of the beast. On this Christmas evening as we are another day closer to your return I want to thank God for sending His son to become my savior so I won't have to experience a world where the presence of God is absent after the rapture! The rapture so places everything into proper perspective, to imagine we are on the brink of God returning for His bride is exciting. God, allow me as your word instructs to occupy until you come but more than anything, I aspire to and will stop at nothing to be ready for your return.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Look Inside of Christmas

As a child I loved to be given a maze and a pencil. I readily accepted the task of beginning at the starting point and navigating my way to the finish. I went to a County Fair and my experiences with the mazes on paper prompted me to go through an actual walk through maze that was constructed with tall maniured bushes. This experience was not the same as the one with the pencil. Looking at the maze from above was different from looking at the maze from within. Every dead end caused me to question everything, to reevaluate my decisions, and even question if I would ever make it to the finish line. Through faith and perseverance (and the help of the attendant at the fair lol) I made it through, but the experience was vastly different.

I have discovered often we read the bible from a panoramic perspective, and discover a beginning, middle and end, and expect the same results in our lives without immersing ourselves in the text to discover the type of faith that was necessary to yield these results. So being Christmas Eve, instead of looking at the package from the outside, let’s take a peak inside of the story of Christmas.

1.) Mary and Joseph are living a life devoted to God planning for marriage, and are given something from God that they didn’t plan for, (When these instances occur in our lives, What do we focus on it being from God, or the fact that we didn’t plan for it?) something out of their control. Their immediate response was not an organ playing, tambourines ringing, clapping and shouting, but rather fear…Come on, if you are engaged and your fiancĂ© takes a pregnancy test, and its positive, and when you confront her, she tells you, “The Holy Ghost got me pregnant.” What would be your response? “For real Mary? The Holy Ghost got you pregnant? Right, we will see when we take a paternity test on Maury!” When God impregnates us with His promises that don’t fit our agenda do we deny them, abort them altogether, or embrace them trusting and believing that God’s plans are greater than ours?

2.) Mary and Joseph exhibit unprecedented faith during the pregnancy and birth of Jesus (compare Joseph’s response to Mary’s pregnancy with Zacharias’ response to Elisabeth’s pregnancy Luke 1) Despite the situation they repeatedly obeyed the voice of God on when to flee to Egypt and when to travel to Israel. I desire to have the connection and not only ear to hear but the faith to obey His voice when He speaks. I want to turn down the voices of my situations and thoughts so I can clearly hear the voice of God.

3.) From the moment Jesus was born he was sought after to be worshipped by some and sought after to be destroyed by Herod. Imagine the gravity it takes to be both revered by some and hated by others. You can’t become consumed by either. Can’t get caught up in the hype of those who are for you, or driven by fear of those who are against you, but must remain focused on the purpose God has given you.

Without the faith of Mary and Joseph, the savoir of the world is not born and redemption of mankind does not occur. God in His omniscience knew who he could trust with carrying the savior. My prayer is that God can trust me, that I will handle my pregnancies of purpose and destiny, the same way that Mary and Joseph did, despite any adversity. There are miracles, purpose, and destiny inside of you, and God has trusted you to birth these things, to cultivate and nourish them for the benefit of the world. I want to repeat the words told to Joseph by the angel, Fear not! What is inside of you is conceived of by the Holy Ghost, and if God gave it to you, that is an indication that He trust that you have what it takes to bring it to pass!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I Surrender All

All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him,
In His presence daily live.

I surrender all, I surrender all;
All to thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at His feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken,
Take me Jesus, take me now.

I surrender all, I surrender all;
All to thee my blessed Savior,
I surrender all

-Judson W. Van DeVenter 1896

Psalm 111:10 10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom:…
This scripture is taking on a new meaning and reminds me that ultimately God is in control and my life is not about me as I would think it is. The sooner I arrive at this conclusion the sooner I will progress towards the plans and thoughts that God has for my life. Pressure falls on those who are in control, when I surrender control of my life to God completely I have also given God the pressure that comes with making the decisions. Many of us desire and seek control of our lives for many reasons. We assume that when we are in control we can determine the outcome and are not subject to the moves of external parties we seek control because it doesn’t stretch us outside of our comfort zone and because it doesn’t require faith and without faith it is possible to please God. I am not against being in control, except when our control replaces our faith in God. Ultimately we can minimize the power of God in our lives. We make decisions and ask God to validate the decisions we have made, when God clearly states, Isaiah 55:8-9 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Let’s go a little deeper. Some of us learn scriptures and attempt to work the word. I’m totally in agreement with this philosophy, the word will truly work if you work it. With that said, many of attempt to reduce God to a science, when God can’t be contained or captured. Sometimes God will allow you to do it right and it come out wrong, (or what we perceive as wrong at the time) simply to remind us that He is in control. This has been my scripture in 2008: Psalm 127:1 KJV Psalm 127:1 Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. After I do everything in my natural power to create positive results and success in my life, I still need God’s super on my natural to propel me to the supernatural life He desires for me.

God is in control. I believe He knows what is best to me, and my life is in your hands, and I will acquiesce to your will on any and every level. So now I pose the question is God manipulative? Did he love us (notice perhaps in another blog, how love takes you out of your comfort zone, to display agape love, God had to become something he abhors, sin which is outside of His divinity, to gain true love) to make us love Him in return. The fact is, He loved us to give us the choice of reciprocating His love. God’s love never negates our freewill and power to choose. This suggests that we should not attempt to control others through our kindness. Love independently because you want to and allow the other party to choose; this is the definition of true love. Should they choose not to love, don’t allow your love to become contaminated by manipulation because they can’t handle your pure love. Love comes with risk. God loves the world unconditionally, and daily many choose to reciprocate while others reject His love, yet God’s love remains the same.

Tonight I have a little less pressure, a little more freedom and confidence, although I am outside of my comfort zone, I am comfortable being in the center of God’s will. When I am out of control, God can be in control.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Do You Wanna Ride?

In so many of my prior blogs my thoughts are sequential, streamlined, organized, deliberate and ultimately arrive at a destination; however anyone who truly knows me, knows that my thoughts are random, haphazard and when truly expressing myself, I can change lanes without giving a signal, so fasten your seatbelt and sit back and come and take a ride with me in my mind…

I recall from a child that in December the major networks would air all of their Year in Review programming where they would recount the major events of the year. Lately this year I have been in a reflective space this year recounting my successes and struggles of the year. I read prior blogs from earlier this year where I asked God specifically for tangible maturation within our youth ministry this year and God as usual has exceeded my expectation. I have listened and watched the spiritual growth and evolution of our young people in countless manifestations. Young people have pursued God this year with reckless abandon and dealt with the realities of being in the presence of God, how no flesh can glory in His presence, and how God’s light reveals areas of us that aren’t like Him in an attempt to shape us and make us in His image, ultimately when God looks at us, He should see a reflection of Himself. I am invigorated by countless conversations, emails and texts from young people sharing their triumphs and adversities. This year has brought for our young people, new educational endeavors, new career moves, relationships that have developed and deteriorated, the development of individual and corporate ministries. (I can’t wait to reinstitute Commissioned, a class where we train youth and young adults for all types of ministry…look out for that in the 09!!!) All of the various mountains and valleys of 2008 have been stretched and strengthened.

Personally, I am so grateful that I get to (not have to) travel the United States and Canada to help young people unlock the greatness that resides within themselves. This year I have been afforded the opportunity to share the word of God at several youth conferences, churches, but ultimately, keep it real, there is no place like home. The hunger from the congregation at the Cov pulls the word out of you, not just on Youth Sundays, but Christian Education, worship and arts workshops, all night prayers, and the list continues. Instead of complaining about what I don’t perceive as right and what I don’t have, I am choosing to be thankful for what I do have.

At the end of the day (I can’t believe I used that phrase I can’t stand it, but at the end of the day, I guess it sums things up) Jesus is it for me; he is the only constant amidst a fluctuating world. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus is the fulcrum of the seesaw we call life.

As I am thinking about Jesus, I had a thought today about relationships, and what I can’t stand are couples that aren’t proud to be with each other, as if they are ashamed of one another. It is a trick of the enemy to constantly make one desire what they don’t have. The person you choose to be with is simply a reflection of you. With that said, I have to ask, how many times have I denied Christ and not claimed Him in my life? How many times have I prayed faster because others were watching in public, not prayed at all in private? Tried to blend so I wouldn’t have to deal with the pressure of standing out, placed God on hold, but never clicked back over? Now I am reaffirming my love for him, not merely with my words, but with my life.

The end of the year always makes come to grips with the fact that we are another year, month, week, day, hour closer to the return of Jesus Christ. It is incumbent upon us that we keep this in the forefront of our minds. It causes or lives to be lived with proper perspective. As I prepare for 2009 I am going to embrace the last few weeks of 2008. I am speaking in Los Angeles and Sacramento on December 28th and I am working on a message that deals with how change is created by a Decision, a Declaration, and A Duty. First we must decide that we desire change. Second we must clearly and identify what path to take to instigate change, and finally a Duty, a responsibility and commitment will bring it to pass.

All right I am rambling, so I will pull over…

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Past, The Pain, The Power

It is amazing how much time of our life is spent living in the past, both reliving victories and wallowing in losses. If the past isn’t used to affect the future then the past is overrated. Don’t get it twisted, I am not implying in the slightest, to adopt the mentality of, “Oh, well, the past is the past, get the dirt off your shoulders, get over it and move on…” only to later repeat the mistakes of the past again in again. What I am suggesting is that one treats the past as an archaeologist, using the past as a place for discovery, to reconstruct a new you for the future to see. Deal with the consequences of your history so you can embrace the possibilities of your future.

“But time don’t go back, it goes forward can’t run from the pain, go towards it.” –Jay Z Kingdom Come “Lost Ones”

(Did he just quote Jay Z? yes and I totally am willing to discuss the implications of music, how the Lucifer prior to being kicked out of heaven was influential in the arena of music, how masses are hypnotized by a beat, while subliminal sinful, misogynistic messages are woven into the tapestries of their minds, that later effect behavior. The debate of life imitating art vs. art imitating life, how the church can ill afford to reach the world by mimicking it giving them what they already have without any creativity, without any message of Jesus, how if one is going to cross-over, they must carry the cross (the gospel) over literally. With all that said, this quote simply substantiates the point I am attempting to make regarding the past and pain.)

-But time don’t go back it goes forward
No matter how much we live in the past, it is what it is, the past. Only God has the power to effectively and directly address our past. Genuine true repentance that comes from a sincere heart, and turning away from what we are repenting for, and asking God for a clean heart and right spirit, and allowing the blood to cleanse us is how we deal with our past. 2 Corinthians 5:17 17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. The best tool for me to address the past is the present and the future. Paul a man with a checkered past, flaws and all pre Christ (Acts 9) and Post Christ had the courage and wisdom to declare Philippians 3:13-14 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Jesus told Peter, Satan desires to have you to sift you as wheat, but I prayed for you that your faith fails you not, and when you are converted, strengthen the brethren (I am so doing this text an injustice not mentioning Peter’s impulsive nature, how he constantly gets things 100% right in one instance only to get it 100% wrong the next, how he was a part of Jesus’ inner circle (James and John the sons of Zebedee being the others) yet, he denied Christ 3 times at the time when he needed him most, but later affirmed his love 3 times and preached the inaugural message of the New Testament church) Peter takes the mistakes of his past and uses them as fuel to make him a better Peter in the future.

-Don’t run from the pain run towards it
I had the pleasure of spending time with perhaps the most insightful introspective person I know, my mentee Matthew Mason this weekend. I will tell anyone clearly he is the real mentor in the relationship. We discussed this idea of the past and pain the scripture that clarifies the matter is when Peter after seeking God three times to remove pain, listens to God’s response. 2 Corinthians 12:9 My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

Many people deny the pain and try to masquerade it. While others fail to acknowledge their weaknesses and some after acknowledging them loathe and wallow in their weaknesses. I ask God intentionally when I experience pain, setback, or heartbreak, allow me to feel the pain completely and so I don’t have a pseudo-healing only to have the pain reemerge later. Satan wants us to run from the pain, because there is power behind the pain. When we identify these areas of pain and surrender to Christ, when we discover our weakness we have just discovered Christ’s strength and it will infuse and empower us to transcend the past, and empower us to accept the future and destiny God desires for us.

Monday, November 17, 2008

An Encounter with God, Recap and Pictures

A Walk Through the Tabernacle was an evening that we will not soon forget. Young people and Young at heart began to gather around 10pm with a spirit of anticipation and expectation. As we entered, we discovered that our Church was transformed into a replica of the tabernacle, complete with the veil and the most holy place. (Thank you Butler Family and Sis Ellora!!!) After introducing ourselves, we began the evening with a prayer of Thanksgiving, where we didn’t ask God for anything, but thanked Him for everything that we so often take for granted.

While in the outer court stopped at the Brazen Altar which was made of acacia wood and overlaid with bronze which represents judgment, indicative of how Jesus who came in human flesh took on the judgment of God for our sins. It is here where we prayed a prayer of repentance. This prayer of surrender broke the chains of sins that many have grappled with for years. We then stopped at the Laver where we prayed a prayer of cleansing and purification for our minds, bodies and spirits. This prayer left us with that feeling you have when you get out of the shower. Our hearts were cleansed, our minds were ignited, our spirits were refreshed and rejuvenated.

We then journeyed into the inner court where we encountered the lamp stand. We accepted the mandate of Jesus Christ to let our lights shine so that men may see our good works and glorify our Father in Heaven. The entire room was dark and we each individual was given a candle, as our individual candles were lit the light illuminated the room and dispelled the darkness. Ultimately we brought our individual lights to the altar which caused a greater corporate light to illuminate the room.

At the altar of incense we were given a partner and transparently shared with each other our testimonies, insecurities, thoughts, and spiritual desires, and natural aspirations and then interceded for one another. The prayers of the saints went directly towards God. As we continued in the inner court we encountered the table of showbread. We were in small sharing groups, and after getting to know each other, we did an activity entitled “Baking Bread”. Each small group was given the task of making the word of God come alive for the entire audience. Everyone was truly fed of Manna from on High!

We arrived at an intersection between the inner court and the Most Holy Place and what separated was the veil, which was indicative of our flesh. We wrote down on post it notes intimate things that separate us from the presence of God. We attached these issues to the veil as a sign of surrender and desire to crucify our flesh, just as Jesus nailed our sins to the cross through His crucifixion. As we began to pray, the veil was open and I can’t describe or begin to express with words the power and anointing that permeated the room as the light from the Most Holy Place where the Ark of the Covenant and the presence of the Lord resided began to shine on us as we worshipped God.

God has given us access reminiscent of David’s tent, where we can come boldly to the throne of grace, through Jesus Christ who satisfied every requirement and addressed every tabernacle furnishing just as the High Priest did in the old testament. Nothing in life will satisfy the intrinsic hunger God has placed inside of us except God. Never allow the distractions of life, to disconnect, or disrupt, your passion or pursuit of God. Because in His presence there is fullness of joy and in His right Hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Encounter with God photos

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

History in the Making

As I sit in my hotel room on a presumably historical evening, I remember the prior elections I have experienced and must admit there has been something unique about this one. I assume that voter turnout this year has far surpassed previous years. I could address all of my political views, and their social implications, and eschatological (biblical prophecies concerning the end times) implications (I will save these conversations for Pastor Woods, Lee and Kasey, Lauren, and my other political analyst lol), but I don’t want to miss the moment by being over analytical. For a moment (the length of this blog lol), I am going to set my theology Often, I wonder if people realized the magnitude and the brevity of a moment while they were in it, or if they allowed the significance of the moment to pass them by as the lived in it. I am resolved to capture the social history of this moment.

I do want to express how I feel. I am so honored that on this history making day, I traveled from California, to Chicago where I purchased a copy of the Chicago Tribune, and finally to Pennsylvania, a historically rich state. As a child I can recall looking at Encyclopedia’s and when I noticed pictures of the presidents I saw no one who looked like me. So while I was taught that anything is possible, subliminally there were limitations that contradicted these teachings. Tonight for children all over the world, these limitations will be removed. For America, not just African Americans, this night is special. While many may argue over his stances and policies as we should, it must be acknowledged that Sen. Obama matriculated through some of the most prestigious institutions of learning (Columbia, Harvard, and served as president of the Harvard Law review) excelled and advanced in any arena. He overcome obstacles such as his parents divorce and transcended this by showing devotion to his wife and children. And prior to the most significant day of his political career, he looses his grandmother the woman who raised him, and still stood with courage. For real, I analyze everything, but when I was watching the Democratic National Convention (and I watched the RNC also) the moment that humanized me, was when Sen. Obama’s youngest daughter affectionately known as Sasha, said “Hi Daddy!” to the screen. She stole my heart in that moment.

With all of the oppression that has existed based on race and gender, it is beautiful to see Sen. Obama stand on the shoulders of those who sweat, marched, bled, and paid the ultimate price of giving their life to fight for this moment. Regardless of where one stands politically, it must be acknowledged, Sen. Obama possibly Presidential-elect Obama is inspiring, and unequivocally the American Dream personified.

Allright…I will get back to spiritual stuff, got to post some pictures from “A Walk Through the Tabernacle” as soon as I learn how to post photos! lol

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

3 Days Until the Encounter

Expectation and anticipation are beginning to mount. It began Sunday with our morning worship services. I encourage you all to add the cd “The Perfect Recipe” to your collection. Using the story of Ruth we discovered how seemingly random and haphazard events were the perfect recipe for Ruth’s redemption. Many young people have told me they have downloaded this one into their ipods. (technology is amazing!) During our evening service, Bishop David Foster preached a message entitled “A More Excellent Way” in which he discussed the approach to God through the tabernacle and how Jesus has provided a more excellent way.

This Friday night has been set aside by God before the foundation of the earth to be a night of fellowship, learning, and intimate fellowship with the presence of the Lord. In “A Walk through the Tabernacle” we will journey from the outer court, through the inner court, beyond the veil into the most holy place. There are specific moments that you never forget in your spiritual walk and this evening will be one of them. This evening will provide us with an opportunity to reprioritize our lives, placing God in 1st position where He belongs. When God is placed in proper perspective our entire life can be repositioned for greatness where God will get all of the glory. With all of the calamity in our world it is quite apparent that the return of Jesus more immanent than ever. God says, 2 Chronicles 7:14-15 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 15 Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. (okay this is deep I am in my hotel in Maine, and as I am typing, a gospel program that I have never seen entitled Hope for America, just flashed the same scripture on television while I am typing it, God you are ridiculous!!!)

See you this Friday at 10pm! Come with a spirit of expectation, bibles, notebooks, and hunger for God. Matthew 5:6 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Things happen when people get together with the sole purpose and intention of bombarding the presence of God. Okay I got to get back to studying for Friday!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday Night

Thursday Night was the night that held great significance for me as a child. I would come home finish my homework, and wait with great anticipation for 8pm to arrive, because then the Cosby Show would come on. That show was simply phenomenal! I could get into the social implications and how culturally significant it was for America to see a powerful black family with a doctor and lawyer which contradicted historical images that were portrayed. The fact is I wasn’t thinking about all that back then, I was just laughing! “I brought you in this world, I can take you out!” “Denise you messed up my Gordon Gartrelle!” After the Cosby show, A Different World came on, and this was my first look into what college life could be like. When Dwayne Wayne interrupted Whitley’s marriage to Byron was one if not the best moments in television history. As I got older, I switched my Thursday Night viewership to Fox. I would watch Martin, (again if I were doing a seminar, I would acknowledge how subliminally America accepted an unmarried couple living together, but again, back then I wasn’t thinking about all of that, it was just funny) After Martin, of course Living Single would come on and my Thursday’s again were complete. For that hour of time I could escape the world on Thursday Night.

I have to admit, I am quite nostalgic. I watch Martin on TV One and have the DVD Sets. I watch the Cosby show on TV Land and also have the box sets. When I watch it now, I reflect on the hope and optimism I had as a child when I watched these shows. I notice how my life in many ways doesn’t match the life I dreamed as a child. With that said, on some levels it exceeds what I could have expected as well. I am working on paying homage to both positive and negative aspects of life, but I digress.

Yesterday was Thursday night, and it wasn’t television that provided my escape but rather, my 3 Fathers. My heavenly Father God and I were in communion as I prepared for my message for this Sunday dealing with Ruth. God is the ultimate Father, He affirms me when I do right like He did Jesus, when He said, "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." He corrects me and most of all He loves me. He blessed me with the greatest natural father.

Then my natural father called, just to check in on me. I love my dad, and the greatest compliment I have ever been given is, you are just like your father. He is kind, compassionate, and the personification of love. After I spoke at the Alpha Phi Alpha Men’s breakfast, I had a renewed appreciation for my dad. My heart was heavy last night, and disappointed, but when I talked to my father, everything felt alright. He ended the conversation by telling me I can always talk to him no matter what, He sounded like my heavenly Father who said, I will never leave you or forsake you.

I then received a call from my spiritual father, Pastor Woods. Honestly God gave me men after His own heart. I was able to talk to Pastor Woods, and the moment I heard his voice I felt peace in my spirit. I shared with him, my feelings, my frustrations, and my fears and he listened to me, and felt my burden, and then helped put things in perspective. I always tell people, don’t heal me until you feel me, and Pastor did just that.

So last night I wasn’t with the Huxtable family, not with Martin and Gina, but with my 3 Fathers, and felt empowered, renewed and revived. I am who I am, because they are who they are. I want to in reference to God, my dad, and my Pastor, exemplify attributes from them that allow me to testify like Jesus did, if you have seen me then you have seen the Father. My prayer is that everyone will experience the love of a Father on many if not all of these levels at some time in their life.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

One Day at a Time

Approximately 40 days until the election. The senate needs to pass a bill within the next few weeks to bail out the economy. It is Mid-September and I already have my work schedule for October, pending appointments and engagements through November. The danger of looking towards the possibility of the future is that you can miss the reality of the present. The future is often overrated and the present is not rated high enough. Not to get philosophical but there is no such thing as the future. Once the future arrives, it will be the present.

This was one of the first weeks I (kind of) took one day at a time. With the completion of a course for school, (see blog I’m Hungry) I had personal time that I devoted to God. I slept more than I usually sleep and felt rested this week. I also read the bible not for school purposes, and it spoke back to me in a profound way. I asked myself what was different this week and it hit me, I seized the moment. I took this week one day at a time.

I realize God who is omniscient and omnipotent could have created everything in 1 day; however he chooses to do it in 7 days. He embraced the process and celebrated small victories, not waiting until the entire creation process was completed to see “It was good.” Goodness is not in the completion alone, but in the process that leads to completion. The significance of each day is further expressed when the children of Israel were being led from Egypt, God fed them from heaven one day at a time, and instructed them to eat enough for one day and not to save any. In the model prayer recorded in the gospels, Jesus says Give us this day, our daily bread. When we take life one day at a time, it causes us to rely on Jesus entirely for everything.

I have a job where it is not uncommon, for a young person to come to me and say “Today was the best day of my life!” or “You changed my life!” In the past I would minimize these words and find a way to humbly turn it around, instead of saying thank you. I read a quote last week that checked me saying “You are not that great to be that humble.” Today when young people said these words I looked them in the eyes, thanked them, and allowed their gratitude to fill my heart.

Jesus was so accurate when he said, NAS Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. If you are married, then celebrate your spouse today, you don’t get to a 50th anniversary without discovering the significance within seemingly insignificant moments. If you are single cherish your solitude, and embrace the opportunity to devote your entire attention towards God. God I thank you for this moment and I repent for taking the present for granted. Thank you for things that help me remember the beauty of the moment and how precious life is, things like reading your word and allowing the words to leap from the pages into my sprit, my Fred Hammond Pages of Life CD chapters I & II, my John Mayer Continuum CD, Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream (visit the website only served in southern states)

What if tomorrow didn’t come, how did you spend today? I would hate to look back over my life and have the testimony of being busy without real significance. I can ill afford to miss life because I was too busy allegedly living life. The appointment of speaking anywhere is nothing unless I pause between flights to stare outside of the window at the cumulus and stratus clouds that God created. Relationships are insignificant, without expressing to those individuals how much I love, care, and appreciate them. Alicia Keys says “I don’t want to forget the present is a gift, and I don’t want to take for granted the time you may have here with me, Cause Lord only knows the another day here’s not really guaranteed.” Alicia couldn’t say it better than David, NAS Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Enough writing, time to go eat, its not everyday you get to be in Canada Eh?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Your Isolation Determines Your Elevation

DĂ©jĂ  vu…. Alone in a hotel room typing... This has been the setting for the movie that is my life quite frequently this year. I have been reflecting, this year has been an amazing year of manifestation, work has evolved and yielded amazing opportunities including a television appearance, travel throughout the United States and Canada, and as far as ministry various speaking engagements have occurred; literally speaking events every weekend for the past 3 months. Everyday I feel like my purpose is unfolding and being manifested right before my eyes. Just as God had promised in January, 2008 would be a year of manifestation that would require me to walk by faith.

This past weekend was spectacular. On Friday I worked with an awesome co worker at a High School in Northern California, then flew to Ontario and spoke on Saturday and Sunday in Rialto. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share the word with this congregation. They had a hunger for the word of God and a high aptitude towards receiving the word, which is indicative of the leadership of Bishop and 1st Lady Garrett, and Evangelist Paulette Anderson. People were filled with the Holy Spirit, one beautiful little girl in particular captured my heart, and 4 young men who were worshipping God with tears streaming down their face. I was so excited to see Antwon, Yvette, and my goddaughter Hanna walk in as I was preparing to speak. They tell me Hanna was raising her hands and worshipping while I was talking, “That’s my girl!” Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, Sunday was amazing and my parents came from Los Angeles, and God moved in a mighty way. We went to PF Chang’s (of course, the usual firecracker shrimp, crab wontons, fried rice, and we tried candied walnut chicken) and I got back on the plane only to re pack and get on a plane to come to Ohio.

This weekend is a sample of what my year has been like. It has also been the most introspective reflective year, and I can’t help but recognize the correlation between isolation and elevation. When Moses was groomed for leadership it was on the backside of the dessert (Exodus 3:1-10), when he received the 10 commandments he was with God for 40 (number of testing) days and 40 nights on Mount Sinai. (Exodus 34:28) When David was anointed for King, he was a shepherd boy, (I Samuel 16:9) when God speaks the book of Revelation to John he is first isolated on the Isle of Patmos.

I mentioned the things that happened in public, but didn’t mention the walks through the airport terminal and simply observing people, didn’t mention how exciting it was to walk with my goddaughter in the beautiful Aloft hotel (Google it, it is so dope and contemporary) and then to place her in the car seat, and how lonely that walk back to my room felt. I didn’t pick up the phone to cover it, but I embraced the loneliness. As I embraced it and fell asleep that night at 4am Sunday morning I was awakened by God and my room was transformed into a sanctuary.

I’m not saying in order to be anointed, you have to be deep and spooky and become a prisoner of your own analysis. What I am saying is that one on one time with God is essential if you are going to be used by him and live a purpose driven life. Isolation makes me confront me, and reveals in private what I try to hide in public.
It is when we are alone that God prepares us for what others experience publicly. Let’s make it clear, I am not talking about that isolation because you have been hurt and you say with an attitude and bitterness, “I am fine all by myself!” No, no no! I am referring to that alone time that God seeks from us, that exclusive attention that he desires where He speaks and challenges as we listen and accept.

Fellowship is a key component and God made us with a desire for interaction, I was so blessed by text and voice messages from the young adults at the Cov, and I went with Sam and Tonesha to grab ice cream from Ici (a great ice cream spot in Berkeley) when I got off the plane, because fellowship is essential. It is not a question of either or, but both and. Isolation and fellowship are complentary.

Embrace isolation because God uses it to cause us to be complete in ourselves. When God allows individuals to come into our lives in any capacity, we won’t put the unfair burden and pressure of making them complete us. When they come in our lives we will be whole with Jesus and they will be a benefit, not a necessity.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Spiritual Maturity

I should totally be asleep right now, sitting up in my room (the Brandy song just came in my head) in Oklahoma City. I had to pause and reflect on what has been one of the greatest weeks in recent memory in regards to youth ministry. It wasn’t just Jesus is the Rockstar (now I really need to recap how powerful that experience was but one blog at a time) it wasn’t speaking at a Youth Conference this past weekend, but it was being inundated and bombarded with emails, phone calls, and text messages from young people with various situations who were all simultaneously being matured spiritually in a unique and profound way. God instantly reminded me this week that prayers I prayed at the beginning of the year concerning our youth and young adult ministries are being answered. I asked God to grant your young people substantial, sustainable spiritual growth where they would be able to look back this year and notice where they have developed and matured. It is reminiscent of a young child who stands in a closet doorway and marks their height one summer, and when they come back next summer to their elation and joy they are significantly taller than they were last year this time. They don’t know for certain what day the growth occurred, but sometime during the summer, fall, winter, and spring, growth was happening.

Such is the case spiritually, we may not be able to attribute our growth to a particular moment, but we must realize that through the various seasons of our life growth is happening every day. If you are experiencing change in what seems to be the fall of life, God is teaching how to embrace transition, if you are in the winter of your life, God is teaching how to hibernate in His presence. If things are beginning to spring forth in your life, appreciate God for what He is doing. If you are in the heat of summer in what seems to be a dry place, know that this too shall pass. A few years ago, everybody in church would declare “It’s my Season!” Often they were alluding to a time of reaping, but the fact is, every season is your season. Just because it isn’t the particular season you desire, embrace it because it is necessary for growth in your life. Nothing would grow if we had one season an entire year. Failure to embrace one season can affect the outcome of another season. You can’t wait till the spring to shout for what’s above ground, but you got to learn to praise him in the winter for what’s happening underground!

God has placed in my Spirit strongly to cultivate the ministry gifts of the Youth and Young Adults at the Cov. So it makes sense why this year, He is spiritually maturing us before instructing us how to operate in our gift. A good gift in the hands of an immature individual can be deadly. If we don’t take advantage of this opportunity for spiritual maturity, we will begin to judge our relationship with God based on how operational our gift is. Gifts and callings come without repentance. God is more interested in you, than the gifts He has given you. KJV Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? KJV Matthew 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

A few thoughts regarding Spiritual Maturity… 1.) Humility. Healthy things grow. Growing things change, and change can be uncomfortable. Allow God to reshape, redefine, and evolve who and what you thought you were. His goal is to see His reflection when He looks at you. Arrogance and pride can stunt your growth and impede your progress. KJV 1 Peter 5:5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. KJV Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. 2.)Accountability. I so can not emphasize the importance of this one. I would not be as close to God as I am today without having people in my life who I am accountable to. People who know more than the me I seek to present, but the me that needs work that I tend to hide. It is imperative to have people who love you enough to tell you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear. (Pastor Woods, Pastor Marsh, The Patterson’s, Antwon and Yvette, thank you all!) 3.) Nutrition. Nothing can grow without proper nutrition. KJV 1 Peter 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: So many people desire to grow spiritually, but don’t incorporate the proper diet of eating the word of God in order to grow. As a result we have malnutrition saints who aren’t healthy spiritually. Satan doesn’t respond to your theory or your logic, but only to the word of God.

God I pray that you will mature us, that you will form, mold, and shape us into the vessels of honor that you desire us to become for your glory. We don’t resist, but we submit, you are the potter, we are the clay. We embrace the process of growth and change, never allow us to become complacent or satisfied, but always cause a hunger and a longing to be present inside of us for you and your will, In Jesus name, Amen

Friday, August 8, 2008

Don't Sleep on the Power of Devotion

It is amazing how the simple things that are often taken for granted such as faith, prayer, fasting, and a sincere heart can be the paths that lead to a connection with God. Last night after watching Run’s House and eating a ice cream sundae from Baskin Robins (cold stone is bomb, but sometimes you have to go back to the “old landmark” (you would have had to grow up in church to get that!), I went to sleep with a myriad of emotions and thoughts regarding my responsibilities and things that need to happen. If we are not careful our natural situations can bombard our thoughts to the degree that our connection with the supernatural God is impeded by natural situations, instead of our Supernatural God impacting our natural situations.

I woke up this morning at 4am, and my immediate response was turn over and go back to sleep until the Today show to come on, but my Spirit tugged with desperation to connect with the presence of God. Even at the threshold of an encounter with God, my situations and things on my agenda came to my head, my personal inventory and where I desire be as a person began to inundate my mind, and what would have been prayer, was about to turn to contemplation and analysis. But my faith and desire for God prohibited me from becoming a prisoner of my own analysis and robbing me of my prayer time. I am reminded of when Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane and the bible declares, after taking Peter, James, and John with him to pray, KJV Matthew 26:38 Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. Jesus could have stopped with his feelings regarding his situation, but the bible says. And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

I have discovered this morning, that your breakthrough, your Spiritual shift will occur if you have the courage to go a little further. The moment we step outside of our comfort zones, out of the norm, what we are accustomed to our faith will become the bridge that leads us to an encounter with God. Worship takes us a little further. In his presence there truly is fullness of joy. Bishop Swancy who Pastors the Peace Apostolic church told me that my grandmother who influenced my life in indescribable measures, used to sing a song called “In the garden.” This words of the song, say “…And He walks with me, and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own, and the joy that we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known.” Marvin Sapp does a phenomenal rendition of this song as well.

It is in the morning when thing are silent and tranquil, while it is still dark outside, as the new day dawns that I felt the embrace of God’s Spirit. I began to listen to his voice in prayer, listen to his word, and then I watched Deitrick Haddon presents…Voices of Unity “Together in Worship.” As the songs were playing, God was speaking, depositing into m Spirit. In enjoy “professional” encounters with God that prepare me to share publicly, but it is the “personal” encounter in the morning that reminds me that God and I have a secret place that we share. My mom and I used to have devotion in the morning before leaving school @ 6:50am. We would read a scripture, sing a song, and pray. Didn’t catch the significance at the time, but train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from it. A married couple that is in a covenant relationship understands the value of communication. They must communicate in multiple scenarios. But perhaps one of the most significant scenarios is in the bed, “pillow talk” where they are transparent before one another in a way that they haven’t been before. While prayer is essential, don’t sleep on the power of devotion, “pillow talk.” The next time God nudges you wake up and become intoxicated by His presence, you won’t regret it.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's Not You, It's Me

Amidst my frustration and disappointment with God, yes I get frustrated and disappointed with God at times. I took specific time to get in His presence and discovered so much about me that I hadn’t seen or maybe I did see it previously, but tried to ignore it. Think of it this way, God created us in His image and in His likeness. (Genesis 1:26) When we are in His presence it is like standing in front of a mirror, and we are able to see our imperfections and areas for improvement. Avoiding the mirror only causes one to live in denial, although denial is comfortable temporarily, it only delays adjustments that must be made.

Instead of always analyzing and contemplating how God does or doesn’t come through for me, I decided to think about how do I show up for Him? What kind of bride am I to my bridegroom?

Communication- No relationship can exist without communication. Communication of all kinds, including email, text messages, phone calls, and face to face connection are all contributors towards establishing a healthy relationship. I don’t always make God a priority like I should. Our conversations are quick, and the frequency of our conversations increases when I need something, or when issues are pressing in my life. Often times we don’t even have dialogues, but monologues and I do all the talking, and many times I don’t wait for a response from Him, but proceed to do things my way. When a text comes I respond immediately, when a phone call comes, I answer immediately, but when God seeks to call me, how many times have I let it go to voicemail? It is as if I have no regard for Your feelings. I am so busy seeing it from my perspective, that I rarely if ever even stop to consider your perspective.

Intimacy- When was the last time I held Your hand? When was the last time we were face to face? When was the last time we shared eye contact? When was the last time we had uninterrupted contact where You had all of my attention. When was the last time I made myself vulnerable and let You know that my mission was to please You, and You alone? When was the last time I let you know that I get satisfaction, from making you satisfied? When was the last time I preferred You over me?

Gratitude- When was the last time I said thank you for the little things? I take you for granted, as if you owe me new mercies every morning, breath, and a health. Even when You come through on what I consider “big things” (as if the things I take for granted I could have done myself) my thank you sounds like, “Good lookin out God” “Thanks!” If only the intensity of my asking and desire could match the intensity of my gratitude. I know You already know, but I still want You to hear it from me. No relationship can develop and flourish without reciprocity. So tonight I am coming back to say thank You. Far too long I’ve been like the 9 lepers who were healed and walked away, but tonight, I strive to be like the 1 who came back to say thank you and walked away not just healed, but whole. (Luke 17:12-19)

Initiation- If one party always initiates love, the initiating party begins to question, do they love me as much as I love them? As a result pride can set in, and both parties interact from a safe-zone based on fear. Now instead of unrestricted love, what you have is a chess match based on strategy, which comes from the mind and not the heart. Fortunately God you are not like man, You are love, and perfect love cast out all fear. (I John 4:18) Teach me how to love you, not the way I think you should be loved, but the way you want to be loved.

I will never forget the day you gave me my engagement ring, May 17, 1992. You gave me the earnest of my inheritance. You gave me your Spirit as a gift to let me know that we would be together forever. I even remember doing a message at the CWC Ashby location called, “We are meant to be Together” (Ephesians 1:13-14). As we get closer to the date of your return for me, Your bride, I don’t want the ceremony without the love. We do well in public, but I want to reach for you more in private. You deserve better. As I type with tears in my eyes, I want you to know it’s not you, it’s me. I am often afraid to acknowledge how desperate I am for you, because desperation leads to vulnerability and vulnerability can bring hurt. But, the fact is you roll model this self sacrificing love for me constantly. When I sin, I crucify you afresh, and yet you open Yourself back up time after time! No more excuses! You haven’t disappointed me, I have disappointed you. I love you Jesus, my heart beats for you. I am putting you back where you belong, as the first priority in my life, the object of my affection. KJV Psalm 63:8 “My soul followeth hard after thee: thy right hand upholdeth me.” You have chased after me, but now the hunter will become the hunted. As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. Jesus I love you.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jesus is the RockStar!

Two adjectives that describe our current world are Unstable and Dark. It seems as if nothing is constant, but everything is fluctuating and changing. Our government is unstable, the housing market is unstable, our economy is unstable, gas prices aren’t just unstable but ridiculous! All of us have directly or indirectly been affected by this instability. If we are honest, we must acknowledge that instability is not just around us, but at times also within us. We fluctuate between fear and faith, confidence and doubt, and optimism and pessimism. Because of the appearance of our situations our trust and reliance on God begins to waver. As I was praying this afternoon, I asked God to allow me to separate my faith and expectation in Him from particular outcomes. This is easier said than done. When I experience disappointment or my expectations aren’t met, I have an inclination to become frustrated with God. But today, I started (again!) a new practice of acknowledging God as sovereign despite outcomes. I can’t limit an infinite God to my finite expectations. I have decided to rest in his peace and stability and take solace in the fact that He alone (without my help) knows what’s best for me, and I want His will far above my will, and God wants what is best for me far more than I want what is best for myself! I believe those who are connected to God, will not have high highs or low lows because the have a peace that passes all understanding and recognize that God is fulcrum that brings life into balance.

It doesn’t take a theologian to determine that we are living in what the bible characterizes as “Perilous Times.” (II Timothy 3, read it!) The degradation of our society that was once subtle is now blatant. It is so pervasive that now we are often desensitized to the ills of our world. CNN says breaking news so much that I don’t even hesitate before turning the channel. Most of the music on the charts contains messages that clearly contradict the word of God. What we call music today is characterized, by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. While we are hypnotized by a good beat, misogynist lyrics and messages of darkness are subliminally implanted into the minds of youth and young adults across the world.

In the midst of this instability we as Christians have a Rock that is stable and constant. David said, “When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.” (Psalm 61) NAS Psalm 18:2 The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. NIV Psalm 18:31 For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God? Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever; therefore we don’t have to fear change, because we are connected to what will never change. If our commitment and praise is connected to the Rock, then storms may come but our faith and commitment to God will yet remain.

Not only is Jesus our Rock, but He is our Star. When darkness covered the earth, God said, “Let there be light” and light appeared. When Jesus Christ was born, a star illuminated the sky from the East. Jesus encourages us KJV John 12:36 While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. In His Sermon on the Mount, he said, KJV “Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

While we are living in dark times, we have an unprecedented opportunity to shine like never before! Don’t hesitate or contemplate, Seize the moment, and take advantage of every opportunity to shine for Christ.

So on August 17, 2008 Get Ready! The Youth and Young Adults of Covenant Worship Center are going to declare that “Jesus is the RockStar!” This will be the day where we will magnify our savior who transcends both instability and darkness. This will be a “Christian Worship Experience” like none other, complete with various expressions of worship and praise that all bring glory to God! Come with a Spirit of Praise and Expectation as we lift up or Rock and our Star, Jesus Christ!

Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm Hungry

So I am taking courses at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena campus. The class is Presbyterian Creeds and my original intention was to satisfy a church history requirement, but God’s intentions as usual superseded mine. From the moment arrived, I noticed I was, well, let’s just say different. I’m the only student from the Northern California Campus, the only student who is African American, and the only non Presbyterian. Immediately these differences manifested themselves in regards to doctrines of the trinity, being taught as if they were law since it was established at the Nicene Creed (interestingly enough this meeting was held in Nicaea, where we get the word Nike meaning victory) I mentioned that some would argue (whenever you have a contradictory point, keep it general by saying “Some would argue” even though the some maybe you, then the argument isn’t personal) that there is only one God who has manifested Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as opposed to 3 persons, which would lend itself to the notion that there are 3 God’s, besides never in scripture can you find the term “God the Son” and one if the primary teachings is that the Lord our God is one. I shared with the class that often Pentecostal believers are labeled charismatic, and are defined by their tongue speaking, clamorous worship and expression. As a result people will seek these signs instead of seeking the Holy Spirit that produces these signs. For the bible says, KJV Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. I reaffirmed that we don’t seek after signs, but signs seek after us!

With all of this said, I could have easily hid behind my denominational and doctrinal walls, but hiding behind walls doesn’t benefit anyone. The real Holy Spirit, doesn’t come to divide but rather unite. I lowered my walls and shared the how my theology and beliefs come from scripture and not from denomination or tradition. I have met amazing people especially my small group who have a love and passion for God. We had a guest speaker, The Reverend Robert Whitaker, who contradicted Presbyterian tradition by embracing the Pentecostal experience and received, punishment, criticism, and in some cases ostracism. He firmly believes in the power of the Holy Ghost, open to manifestations and demonstrations of the Spirit, and of course speaking in tongues. When asked what prompted him to go beyond his tradition and denominational stance, he said it was hunger, that there was something more, that he wanted what they had. I pray that God will never allow me to become complacent, but that I will always be hungry for more of God, His presence, and His power.

Another speaker named Dick Mills; a powerful man who has been on the 700 Club over 13 times, spoke and then began to give words of prophecy. Immediately, J Moss came on in my mind “Everybody Ain’t got a word” “Here we go, no parking lot prophets, no get rich in 30 days, and how much will the offering be?” Notice here that I almost shut down my ability to receive based on my assumption that I already knew. There is a danger in becoming familiar with God, because we can limit or miss Him, by expecting Him to be where He was, instead allowing our hunger to drive us to where He is! This man was powerful, and every prophecy he gave, he supported with scripture. The entire class was amazed by his accuracy, and notice all of the emotion and hype was bypassed and authenticity prevailed. He got to me and said “Gentleman in the back what is your name?” I responded “Christopher” He said “Do you have any children?” I said “No.” Thinking to myself maybe he ran out of accurate prophecies before he got to me. But he proceeded and told me that I will have a large Spiritual Family and many Spiritual Children. He said he that winneth souls is wise, and said I have the wisdom to win souls.” He then instructed the class to point their hands towards me and say in reference to winning souls “Go get em Tiger!” I was grateful that this prophecy had nothing to do with my immediate temporal situation, but with my intangible purpose on the earth. My prayer has been that God will give me a ministry that is so transparent, relevant, and powerful to reach anyone and everyone.

The scriptures he gave to support the word he gave me were:
KJV Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
KJV John 4:38 I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labor: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.

Amidst learning about the Heidelberg Catechism, The Helvetic Confession, various doctrines and theologies, I did learn, allow nothing to satisfy your hunger for God. In a world where we measure progress, by fulfillment and completion, recognize the more you feed your appetite for God, the greater it will become. Now that I have relinquished my desire to complete my relationship with God and measure our relationship by man made benchmarks, I am falling in love with him all over again! Be relentless in your pursuit of God. KJV Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I had a great weekend in Southern California ! I attended the Regional Teen Convention. I saw my goddaughter Hannah; she is so beautiful, listened to Eld. Shawn Tyson Friday night, (he is one of the best preachers of our generation), spoke on Saturday at the conference and Sunday at Emmanuel Temple in Lynwood . (What’s up Nisan?) The culmination of my weekend was the Worship and Arts Ministry Concert back home at Covenant Worship Center , which was nothing short of amazing!

After an eventful weekend, I took a moment this evening to check in with myself to discover how I am feeling, and to take a moment to discover where I am mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Like a car that needs proper maintenance in order to reach its optimal performance, we must take time to pull into the garage of our secret place, turn off the engine of life that is constantly running in our mind, and open the hood of our heart to discover where we are.

Bro. and Sis. Windom (they have a beautiful family who we have known for years. Their daughters used to watch me when I was younger, and now have families of their own) came to hear me speak and we went to an amazing Thai Restaurant after church. While eating dinner we began to reflect on the time when our families visited Yosemite . I remember having fun, but I also remember asking the all too familiar question, “Are we there yet?” I so anxiously desired to arrive at the destination, that I didn’t appreciate the journey. Now years later, I reflect and long for the journey that I took for granted as a child.

This same pattern manifests itself in my life. I am aspiring for my Masters Degree, but I am so frustrated with how long it is taking. I don’t know how my life will evolve naturally and spiritually, and this uncertainty plagues me. I keep asking God, “Are we there yet?” When I discover issues inside of me that I desire to work on such as impatience, my attitude, my responses to situations, I rarely celebrate improvements and I beat myself up over relapses, and fail to recognize that all of this is a part of the journey.

What is there? Was Noah there when he built the ark or when he came out of the ark after the flood? Was Joseph there when he was in the pit or the palace? Was Job there when he was living righteous before the trial came, when the trial was present, or after the trial when he received double? Was Jesus there when he was on Calvary or when he got up from the grave and declared that all power is given unto me? What if I am there right now and I don’t know it? The answer is everywhere is there. If you remove any of these events you tamper with the process of these bible characters, and if you tamper with the process you can affect the product.

You are there. Wherever the presence of God is, is there. Don’t overlook or devalue, but rather enjoy your process, KJV Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ

Saturday, June 14, 2008


What's Up CWC Youth and Young Adults?!

Summertime is here! I'm subconsciously hearing DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince in the background, playing "...Summer, Summer, Summertime, Time to sit back and unwind." (For people under the age of 21 you have no clue what I'm talking about... google it! lol) I miss the days of summer when it seemed like for a season responsibilities would vanish and the only thing on the agenda was having fun. Now instead of the sun, pressure becomes the source of heat, causing drops of worry, anxiety, and frustration to bead against my forehead, but one thing remains true, He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, God is the best source of shade.

I was meditating on the word that Pastor preached Sunday morning, and God really met me. I can't stress it enough there is something special that takes place when all distractions of television, radio, computers, and telephones are off and its just quiet time with God, it is as if you can hear Him speak so clearly in that still small voice. (I Kings 19:12).

I have been thinking about how genuine worship requires us to empty ourselves of everything we are, so God can fill us with all of who He is. This is not always easily accomplished. Think about all that we are, our past, our preconceived notions, everything we have been taught right or wrong has made us who we are today, and God requires us relinquish all of it and lay it at His feet. Paul said in Philippians 3:1-10, (please read it is really fascinating) everything that he's learned and obtained he counted it as dung (rubbish, refuse...I could go into further detail, but I'll stop right there) so that he could win Christ.

My desire for my Christ is present, but the question is does my desire for Jesus, supersede my desire to hold on and maintain me? My behavior has been shaped by my experiences, and I am not sure if I want to be that vulnerable before God or anyone else, because I place myself in jeopardy of being hurt. Or if I let go of what I love the most, what will I be left with? I will submit to you that whatever you are holding on to is occupying the space that God wants to have in your life. With God it is all or nothing. Paul begs us that we present our bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, and doesn't deem this a large request, but calls it our reasonable service. (Romans 12:1) I am adopting Paul's mentality of dying daily (I Corinthians 15:31) Less of me and more of Jesus is my prayer. When we let go completely of who we and relinquish control to God He can mold us and make us in his image and in his likeness, and prepares us for all that he wants to deposit in us.

Just as Pastor Woods spoke to us, IF my people who are called by name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Here is the prescription for a move of God! This summer, let's turn up the heat. Let's take our individual relationships with God to another level through empting ourselves, so God can fill us with His presence and power.

This Summer I want to see everyone at our Christian Education Sessions, the young adult classes have truly become word encounters with God, and thank you all for your biblical questions via phone and email, they have stretched me and caused my to dig deeper in the word for biblical answers. Regardless of which service you attend, please participate in Christian Education. Also Bible Study is imperative, so that we can gain be shaped through solid biblical teaching. On each 3rd Saturday @ 12 noon it will be a day for the family, youth and young adults will meet right here at the church for a few hours of spiritual enrichment, fun, and fellowship. Don't miss it! I am striving for at least 50 young adults on 3rd Saturday! Finally, just a sneak peak of events to come... 1.) We are working on a youth blog page will let you know the release date for that. 2.) On July 31st we will be attending a youth conference in Stockton , and riding down together, and then going to dinner afterwards. 3.) Our Fall all night prayer will be perhaps the greatest one we have ever had, it will be "A Walk through the Temple " that's all I can say right now, it is going to be crazy!!!

I love you all more than you will ever know. Call or email anytime! mrchrisf@hotmail.com or 510 823 4389.

Christopher FosterYouth Pastor, Covenant Worship Centeraka Pastor Chris aka PC (Mahini and Tonesha) aka PastoferFoster (Ain) aka C-Note (Brandelyn, Jennifer, Tiana, Lal, Terrance) Those are all of the nicknames I could think that you all have given thus far...wait aka Fireman (Leandrew and Kasey)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Praise the Lord Youth and Young Adults!

(sorry its long, I got inspired lol)I am still buzzing from such a powerful Youth and Young Adult weekend Experience at the Cov! On Saturday we had our Covenant High session which is a component of our 3rd Saturday Family Day of Ministry. On Sunday we had 2 powerful services where we used the story of Rachel and Leah to declare to the enemy that "It Stops Here." We had an wonderful Young Adult Christian Education Session, and culminated the weekend with K2's (aka Sam Russell) album release concert (get the cd I bought 4 copies!).Saturday was particularly special because Covenant High allowed me to sit and listen to some of the most insightful, real, and honest High School students I have ever met. We celebrated our triumphs, shared our problems and challenges, and gained biblical insight and direction. Big shout out to Covenant High for being so real and for taking so many risks! Everyone left feeling connected and stronger.It is ironic that the same issues facing High School Students, are the same issues facing adults. Saturday we addressed self esteem and the importance of defining ourselves and our value by what God says instead of what society and those around us may say. We also delved into relationship issues (family, friends, co workers, dating, marriage, etc.) and financial pressures. We furthered our discussion by tackling the subject of our personal relationship with God, and the importance of recognizing and knowing His voice and surrendering our will and having enough faith to trust His will.My prayer for 2008 has been that God would grant our youth and young adults with tangible growth. As the year progresses we could actually look back and see clearly how we have gotten stronger and closer to God. It is my desire that the "next level" wouldn't be this abstract thing that we discuss and never obtain, but would actually be achieved in every area of our lives, spiritually, educationally, and socially. In prior e mails I have addressed the educational and social aspects (and we have much coming ahead) but for this e mail I want to focus on Spiritual development, in hopes that we will all intensify our pursuit towards the things of God.With that said, allow me to share some principles that will aid in assisting our spiritual growth:The first is prayer. Now I know you have heard this one before, but for real Prayer is a secret weapon that many Christians do not take advantage of. It is as if the enemy has given prayer a bad rap, because he knows the potential impact that it has. Prayer is simply communicating to God with sincerity from your heart, not only talking, but allowing Him to speak back. If you think you are too busy to pray, I would argue that you are too busy NOT to pray. Acknowledge God in all of your ways and he will direct your path.Fasting is another weapon that literally will pull down strongholds. What you feed gets stronger. When you abstain from food and feed your Spirit, through bible reading and prayer, you are literally giving your Spirit power to withstand whatever the enemy sends your way. When you fast there is a memo sent from your Spirit to your flesh, reminding the flesh that the Spirit is running things, and the flesh must recognize and follow the Spirit. Be careful with this one, because I guarantee you, the closer you get to God, the closer you are going to want to get! You will become a God chaser and addicted to His presence.In addition to prayer and fasting, Bible reading is essential. The only way to familiarize yourself with the voice of God is to interact with His word. In addition to preparing for Christian Education, read various passages about individuals who match your situation, and discover how they responded to their situation. The bible is truly like a map, it is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Do not be that person who has a map in the glove compartment, but refueses to look at it, becasue you already know. Do not come to a dead end when God wants you to reach your destiny!Finally the last principal I will suggest is consistent church attendance. Honestly, let me keep it real, Sunday morning isn't enough. In addition to Sunday Morning, attend bible study on Wednesday, and a small group ministry (Covenant High, Covenant Jr. High, Young Adult Christian Education,) This diet will not only strengthen you spiritually, but will establish a healthy spiritual lifestyle that will foster your development for years to come. Connection is essential for strength. While their is an individaul annointing it pales in comparrison to a coorporate annointing like the one on the day of Pentecost, when they were all with one accord and one place.There is no way possible that you could implement these spiritual principles and not experince significant spiritual growth. I am not going to front, life is hard. I've expereinced both tradgedies and triumphs in my walk with Christ, but what has sustained me were biblical principles. There are certain things that I do, and certain things that I don't do, (even though I have desired to do some of the things I don't do!) becaue it isn't who I am. In the absence of principles our life can spin out of control. I grew up in church and there were many times when I was present, but my heart and mind were not. Now I am discovering how those principles sustained me until my heart and mind could catch up. We have an opportunity like no other, to personally experience growth, and to impact our community in ways that are unprecedented. The next revival can start with us, and these principles are the foundation for that next level we have been talking about and dreaming about, now is the time where are dreams will become reality!So to aid to our connection I need from you all:1.) Name 2.) Demographic (Jr. High,(grade level) Sr. High (grade level), College (freshman, etc) post college) 3.) phone number 4. email address.I love you all more than you will ever know and will stop at nothing to ensure that we are all those who are ready for the immenent return of Jesus!

Blessings,Youth Pastor Christopher