Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Prepare a Fish: God's Sovereignty vs. Man's Freewill

During my random musings (I have far too many of them), I have been contemplating God’s Sovereignty vs. Man’s Freewill. God has all power; yet His power doesn’t interfere with our free-will. Sometimes, in my limited thinking I have wished that God would make the right choices for me, and cause others that affect me to make the “right” choices that were in my best interest, thus eliminating any stress and heart ache creating the perfect life. This formula to a perfect life is flawed because it eliminates the expression of love through choice. It is so powerful and such a gift when one individual chooses to love another. Not coerced, mandated, but simply chooses.

The reason why my desire for God to make the right decisions was present is because I feel like ultimately His will is best for me. Often, in my willful ignorance or unintentionally I miss God’s will and feel like I subject myself to less than the best. Now my prayer is that God will synchronize His will with mine; That I will be wise enough to surrender my will to His, and that I will be patient as His will unfolds and is made manifest in my life. I wouldn’t consider myself a perfectionist, but I don’t like to settle. I would have a difficult time looking myself in the mirror knowing that I aborted the will of God because of impatience, discomfort, or limited capacity to perceive and receive His will. It would be equally disappointing if I designed a counterfeit will of God and plagiarized God’s signature as if it was really His. I can’t do it, and I won’t do it.

God you chose to send your only Son because you loved me. I respond by surrendering and saying yes to you. Yes when I can’t understand. (I am hearing in my Spirit Men of Standard Feels like Rain cd “I’m Staying in Your Will” classic) Thank you for providing space for choice because choice allows space for authentic genuine love to be expressed. It is hard to choose with only one option, but I choose you God in the midst of a plethora of options. In those moments when I am hesitant to say yes, or when I say no like Jonah did, please prepare a fish for me. Prepare an incubator that will swallow me up until I mature and come to my senses and the realization that You know what’s best. Just don’t let me stay too long; allow the fish to spit me back up so I can do what I should have been doing in the 1st place. God I love you, not because you make me, but because I choose to. Thank you for choosing and loving me.

other random thoughts (go Lakers winning game 1 of the Western Conference Finals and I like the song "Trust" with Keyshia Cole and Monica, and off to Canada for a couple of days, Spiritual Fitness Sunday was great, and Bishop House "Energized" us that evening!)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dress Rehearsal

If you really knew me, I love arts and creativity. I love music and my favorite moment is when I hear a song and I feel like the lyrics were stolen from my heart. I also love culinary arts (What’s up Ryan & Bro. Christian?!) One day if the Lord should tarry, I would love to have an upscale restaurant and a contemporary internet café, similar to Panera Bread and The Corner Bakery Café with a Christian theme. I also would have loved to be an actor. The ability to personify a character is indescribable. I have had a few acting stints in my career, through Illustrated Sermons at Covenant Worship Center. (The Tree (still can’t believe I allowed myself to be Adam in that costume!) and The Hell Zone (Pastor Woods was James Bond and escaped the gates of Hell!) What I remember the most are dress rehearsals. Dress rehearsals would take the play to another level. The words on the script came alive. The stage was set. The characters were in position. The intent of a dress rehearsal is to perform the play just as if it were the actual performance. Often the cast would not realize the importance of the dress rehearsal and would crack jokes while in costume, ignore the director’s sense of urgency believing that things would just come together.

I am concerned that we are in the greatest dress rehearsal of our life and many may not recognize it. The script of the bible concerning the end times (Matthew 24) is unfolding right before our eyes, and many still think there is time before the actual performance while the Director of Heaven and Earth is preparing us with a desperate since of urgency.

The Stage is Set.
The swine flu gives us insight to how the world could possibly be when plagues and pestilences are released during times of the tribulation. The interdependence of our world through culture and economy is already present. Natural disasters including hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes are all indications for the world to prepare for the coming of the Lord. (Romans 8:19-23) Trouble in American Economy impacts the world’s economy. CNN and the World Wide Web allow information to be disseminated globally with the click of a button. The stage is set for a ruler who is Charismatic to come with all of the alleged solutions to the worlds problems. Headlines from the bible are literally on our television screens. This is without question the dress rehearsal. As Noah prepared the ark, the world ignored the preparation of the ark until it was too late, and they were on the outside looking in. Just like Sodom and Gomorra ignored warning until it was too late.

What is the cast doing?
Are we as the church the bride and body of Christ preparing like we should? Have I lost sight of the director? Have I become so familiar with the directors words that I no longer hear His voice? Do I go through this rehearsal non-chalant because I think there are many rehearsals to come? Wake up, snap out of it! Nothing matters more than seeing my God’s face in peace. Often the church lives in the future perpetually and looses sight of the importance and impact of the present. Time is of the essence. Every day I must make decisions that mold and make me into the image of Christ. I must make a conscious effort to prepare myself for the return of Christ. Matthew 24:44 44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Don’t spend your time majoring in minors. Money is important, but it is not the primary thing. Relationships are important, but they aren’t the primary thing. Promotion and progression are important but aren’t the main things. Matthew 16:24-26 24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? I now understand what the older saints meant when they declared, “I am living to live again!”

We are called to be salt of the earth and the light of the world. The greater the darkness, the greater the light should shine. The world is counting on the church to shine in this hour. It is time to be about our father’s business. John 9:4-5 4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.

All right it’s getting late in New Jersey, so back to studying and watching the Lakers game! (Don’t hate on my multi-tasking)