Praise the Lord Youth and Young Adults!
(sorry its long, I got inspired lol)I am still buzzing from such a powerful Youth and Young Adult weekend Experience at the Cov! On Saturday we had our Covenant High session which is a component of our 3rd Saturday Family Day of Ministry. On Sunday we had 2 powerful services where we used the story of Rachel and Leah to declare to the enemy that "It Stops Here." We had an wonderful Young Adult Christian Education Session, and culminated the weekend with K2's (aka Sam Russell) album release concert (get the cd I bought 4 copies!).Saturday was particularly special because Covenant High allowed me to sit and listen to some of the most insightful, real, and honest High School students I have ever met. We celebrated our triumphs, shared our problems and challenges, and gained biblical insight and direction. Big shout out to Covenant High for being so real and for taking so many risks! Everyone left feeling connected and stronger.It is ironic that the same issues facing High School Students, are the same issues facing adults. Saturday we addressed self esteem and the importance of defining ourselves and our value by what God says instead of what society and those around us may say. We also delved into relationship issues (family, friends, co workers, dating, marriage, etc.) and financial pressures. We furthered our discussion by tackling the subject of our personal relationship with God, and the importance of recognizing and knowing His voice and surrendering our will and having enough faith to trust His will.My prayer for 2008 has been that God would grant our youth and young adults with tangible growth. As the year progresses we could actually look back and see clearly how we have gotten stronger and closer to God. It is my desire that the "next level" wouldn't be this abstract thing that we discuss and never obtain, but would actually be achieved in every area of our lives, spiritually, educationally, and socially. In prior e mails I have addressed the educational and social aspects (and we have much coming ahead) but for this e mail I want to focus on Spiritual development, in hopes that we will all intensify our pursuit towards the things of God.With that said, allow me to share some principles that will aid in assisting our spiritual growth:The first is prayer. Now I know you have heard this one before, but for real Prayer is a secret weapon that many Christians do not take advantage of. It is as if the enemy has given prayer a bad rap, because he knows the potential impact that it has. Prayer is simply communicating to God with sincerity from your heart, not only talking, but allowing Him to speak back. If you think you are too busy to pray, I would argue that you are too busy NOT to pray. Acknowledge God in all of your ways and he will direct your path.Fasting is another weapon that literally will pull down strongholds. What you feed gets stronger. When you abstain from food and feed your Spirit, through bible reading and prayer, you are literally giving your Spirit power to withstand whatever the enemy sends your way. When you fast there is a memo sent from your Spirit to your flesh, reminding the flesh that the Spirit is running things, and the flesh must recognize and follow the Spirit. Be careful with this one, because I guarantee you, the closer you get to God, the closer you are going to want to get! You will become a God chaser and addicted to His presence.In addition to prayer and fasting, Bible reading is essential. The only way to familiarize yourself with the voice of God is to interact with His word. In addition to preparing for Christian Education, read various passages about individuals who match your situation, and discover how they responded to their situation. The bible is truly like a map, it is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Do not be that person who has a map in the glove compartment, but refueses to look at it, becasue you already know. Do not come to a dead end when God wants you to reach your destiny!Finally the last principal I will suggest is consistent church attendance. Honestly, let me keep it real, Sunday morning isn't enough. In addition to Sunday Morning, attend bible study on Wednesday, and a small group ministry (Covenant High, Covenant Jr. High, Young Adult Christian Education,) This diet will not only strengthen you spiritually, but will establish a healthy spiritual lifestyle that will foster your development for years to come. Connection is essential for strength. While their is an individaul annointing it pales in comparrison to a coorporate annointing like the one on the day of Pentecost, when they were all with one accord and one place.There is no way possible that you could implement these spiritual principles and not experince significant spiritual growth. I am not going to front, life is hard. I've expereinced both tradgedies and triumphs in my walk with Christ, but what has sustained me were biblical principles. There are certain things that I do, and certain things that I don't do, (even though I have desired to do some of the things I don't do!) becaue it isn't who I am. In the absence of principles our life can spin out of control. I grew up in church and there were many times when I was present, but my heart and mind were not. Now I am discovering how those principles sustained me until my heart and mind could catch up. We have an opportunity like no other, to personally experience growth, and to impact our community in ways that are unprecedented. The next revival can start with us, and these principles are the foundation for that next level we have been talking about and dreaming about, now is the time where are dreams will become reality!So to aid to our connection I need from you all:1.) Name 2.) Demographic (Jr. High,(grade level) Sr. High (grade level), College (freshman, etc) post college) 3.) phone number 4. email address.I love you all more than you will ever know and will stop at nothing to ensure that we are all those who are ready for the immenent return of Jesus!
Blessings,Youth Pastor Christopher
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
...In case you missed it
This is my post from March...enjoy!
Praise the Lord Covenant Worhsip Center Youth and Young Adults!!! I was inthe office spending time with and talking to young people on the phone andas usual I was encouraged. I have been amazed lately, how I have purposedin my heart to visit others to encourage them, and ultimately I find thatthey are encouraging me! I visited a Deacon in Los Angeles suffering fromcancer and I went to his bedside to pray for him and while he could hardlyspeak, in the midst of unimaginable pain he said "Thank you Jesus" soclearly! Although his physical man was deteriorating, his spiritual manand praise were more vibrant than ever! Which leads me to my thought ofthe danger of being on auto pilot. When a pilot or driver is operating aplane or vehicle when they are doing it manually and are forced to payattention to each and every detail. When they get to a place in theirjourney when they feel comfortable; although they haven't made it to theirdestination, they can switch the vehicle from manual operation to autopilot or cruise control. At this juncture, they are now going through themotions and their awareness becomes desensitized. It is here where theyare susceptible to things the would have normally seen if they were stillinvested and in control 100%. The irony is that others in traffic mightbe unaware that the vehicle is in cruise control, but despite what theyknow, the driver knows what's going really going on inside! It would be atragedy to be close to the destination and not arrive because somethingunexpected caused us miss our destination while you were in cruisecontrol. I remember Paul said, "You did, run well, what did hinder you? Ihad a phenomenal weekend, sharing the word of God in Los Angeles and SanDiego. (I miss my Sunday School Class so much!) Work is going well, (minusthe normal office interactions and mis communications that are involved inany relationship), but I noticed that in the midst of being busy their wasa slight spirit of lethargy coming over me. I was doing the right things,but I'm not sure if ALL of me was present when I was doing them. I wentto Miracle Monday for clarity, to make the transition from cruise controlback to manual. I noticed that their is a safety involved when I don'thave to put myself out there completely. It is like I can have one footoutside of my comfort zone to accomplish the will of God and keep one footinside to protect myself from any pain. I am starting to realize that Godrequires all or nothing. I thought of the old testament sacrifices, andtheir is no such thing as a partial sacrifice. Paul begs us to presentour bodies, a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is ourreasonable service. So in everything you do, do it as unto the Lord100%. Regain control, turn auto pilot off and cruise control off, Livewith no reservations, love with no reservations, laugh with noreservations, pray without ceasing! Although I am a Lakers fan, I heard asaying from those in Detroit where they say go hard or go home! Heightenyour intensity and work ethic, and watch God take every area of your lifeto the next level. Remember His strength is made perfect in ourweaknesses. Imagine the move of God we will experience if all of us live100% It isn't cliche, this is your season and moment, embrace theabundant life God has given you!
With Love,Youth Pastor Chris
Praise the Lord Covenant Worhsip Center Youth and Young Adults!!! I was inthe office spending time with and talking to young people on the phone andas usual I was encouraged. I have been amazed lately, how I have purposedin my heart to visit others to encourage them, and ultimately I find thatthey are encouraging me! I visited a Deacon in Los Angeles suffering fromcancer and I went to his bedside to pray for him and while he could hardlyspeak, in the midst of unimaginable pain he said "Thank you Jesus" soclearly! Although his physical man was deteriorating, his spiritual manand praise were more vibrant than ever! Which leads me to my thought ofthe danger of being on auto pilot. When a pilot or driver is operating aplane or vehicle when they are doing it manually and are forced to payattention to each and every detail. When they get to a place in theirjourney when they feel comfortable; although they haven't made it to theirdestination, they can switch the vehicle from manual operation to autopilot or cruise control. At this juncture, they are now going through themotions and their awareness becomes desensitized. It is here where theyare susceptible to things the would have normally seen if they were stillinvested and in control 100%. The irony is that others in traffic mightbe unaware that the vehicle is in cruise control, but despite what theyknow, the driver knows what's going really going on inside! It would be atragedy to be close to the destination and not arrive because somethingunexpected caused us miss our destination while you were in cruisecontrol. I remember Paul said, "You did, run well, what did hinder you? Ihad a phenomenal weekend, sharing the word of God in Los Angeles and SanDiego. (I miss my Sunday School Class so much!) Work is going well, (minusthe normal office interactions and mis communications that are involved inany relationship), but I noticed that in the midst of being busy their wasa slight spirit of lethargy coming over me. I was doing the right things,but I'm not sure if ALL of me was present when I was doing them. I wentto Miracle Monday for clarity, to make the transition from cruise controlback to manual. I noticed that their is a safety involved when I don'thave to put myself out there completely. It is like I can have one footoutside of my comfort zone to accomplish the will of God and keep one footinside to protect myself from any pain. I am starting to realize that Godrequires all or nothing. I thought of the old testament sacrifices, andtheir is no such thing as a partial sacrifice. Paul begs us to presentour bodies, a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is ourreasonable service. So in everything you do, do it as unto the Lord100%. Regain control, turn auto pilot off and cruise control off, Livewith no reservations, love with no reservations, laugh with noreservations, pray without ceasing! Although I am a Lakers fan, I heard asaying from those in Detroit where they say go hard or go home! Heightenyour intensity and work ethic, and watch God take every area of your lifeto the next level. Remember His strength is made perfect in ourweaknesses. Imagine the move of God we will experience if all of us live100% It isn't cliche, this is your season and moment, embrace theabundant life God has given you!
With Love,Youth Pastor Chris
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