This is my post from March...enjoy!
Praise the Lord Covenant Worhsip Center Youth and Young Adults!!! I was inthe office spending time with and talking to young people on the phone andas usual I was encouraged. I have been amazed lately, how I have purposedin my heart to visit others to encourage them, and ultimately I find thatthey are encouraging me! I visited a Deacon in Los Angeles suffering fromcancer and I went to his bedside to pray for him and while he could hardlyspeak, in the midst of unimaginable pain he said "Thank you Jesus" soclearly! Although his physical man was deteriorating, his spiritual manand praise were more vibrant than ever! Which leads me to my thought ofthe danger of being on auto pilot. When a pilot or driver is operating aplane or vehicle when they are doing it manually and are forced to payattention to each and every detail. When they get to a place in theirjourney when they feel comfortable; although they haven't made it to theirdestination, they can switch the vehicle from manual operation to autopilot or cruise control. At this juncture, they are now going through themotions and their awareness becomes desensitized. It is here where theyare susceptible to things the would have normally seen if they were stillinvested and in control 100%. The irony is that others in traffic mightbe unaware that the vehicle is in cruise control, but despite what theyknow, the driver knows what's going really going on inside! It would be atragedy to be close to the destination and not arrive because somethingunexpected caused us miss our destination while you were in cruisecontrol. I remember Paul said, "You did, run well, what did hinder you? Ihad a phenomenal weekend, sharing the word of God in Los Angeles and SanDiego. (I miss my Sunday School Class so much!) Work is going well, (minusthe normal office interactions and mis communications that are involved inany relationship), but I noticed that in the midst of being busy their wasa slight spirit of lethargy coming over me. I was doing the right things,but I'm not sure if ALL of me was present when I was doing them. I wentto Miracle Monday for clarity, to make the transition from cruise controlback to manual. I noticed that their is a safety involved when I don'thave to put myself out there completely. It is like I can have one footoutside of my comfort zone to accomplish the will of God and keep one footinside to protect myself from any pain. I am starting to realize that Godrequires all or nothing. I thought of the old testament sacrifices, andtheir is no such thing as a partial sacrifice. Paul begs us to presentour bodies, a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is ourreasonable service. So in everything you do, do it as unto the Lord100%. Regain control, turn auto pilot off and cruise control off, Livewith no reservations, love with no reservations, laugh with noreservations, pray without ceasing! Although I am a Lakers fan, I heard asaying from those in Detroit where they say go hard or go home! Heightenyour intensity and work ethic, and watch God take every area of your lifeto the next level. Remember His strength is made perfect in ourweaknesses. Imagine the move of God we will experience if all of us live100% It isn't cliche, this is your season and moment, embrace theabundant life God has given you!
With Love,Youth Pastor Chris
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
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