Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm Hungry

So I am taking courses at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena campus. The class is Presbyterian Creeds and my original intention was to satisfy a church history requirement, but God’s intentions as usual superseded mine. From the moment arrived, I noticed I was, well, let’s just say different. I’m the only student from the Northern California Campus, the only student who is African American, and the only non Presbyterian. Immediately these differences manifested themselves in regards to doctrines of the trinity, being taught as if they were law since it was established at the Nicene Creed (interestingly enough this meeting was held in Nicaea, where we get the word Nike meaning victory) I mentioned that some would argue (whenever you have a contradictory point, keep it general by saying “Some would argue” even though the some maybe you, then the argument isn’t personal) that there is only one God who has manifested Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as opposed to 3 persons, which would lend itself to the notion that there are 3 God’s, besides never in scripture can you find the term “God the Son” and one if the primary teachings is that the Lord our God is one. I shared with the class that often Pentecostal believers are labeled charismatic, and are defined by their tongue speaking, clamorous worship and expression. As a result people will seek these signs instead of seeking the Holy Spirit that produces these signs. For the bible says, KJV Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. I reaffirmed that we don’t seek after signs, but signs seek after us!

With all of this said, I could have easily hid behind my denominational and doctrinal walls, but hiding behind walls doesn’t benefit anyone. The real Holy Spirit, doesn’t come to divide but rather unite. I lowered my walls and shared the how my theology and beliefs come from scripture and not from denomination or tradition. I have met amazing people especially my small group who have a love and passion for God. We had a guest speaker, The Reverend Robert Whitaker, who contradicted Presbyterian tradition by embracing the Pentecostal experience and received, punishment, criticism, and in some cases ostracism. He firmly believes in the power of the Holy Ghost, open to manifestations and demonstrations of the Spirit, and of course speaking in tongues. When asked what prompted him to go beyond his tradition and denominational stance, he said it was hunger, that there was something more, that he wanted what they had. I pray that God will never allow me to become complacent, but that I will always be hungry for more of God, His presence, and His power.

Another speaker named Dick Mills; a powerful man who has been on the 700 Club over 13 times, spoke and then began to give words of prophecy. Immediately, J Moss came on in my mind “Everybody Ain’t got a word” “Here we go, no parking lot prophets, no get rich in 30 days, and how much will the offering be?” Notice here that I almost shut down my ability to receive based on my assumption that I already knew. There is a danger in becoming familiar with God, because we can limit or miss Him, by expecting Him to be where He was, instead allowing our hunger to drive us to where He is! This man was powerful, and every prophecy he gave, he supported with scripture. The entire class was amazed by his accuracy, and notice all of the emotion and hype was bypassed and authenticity prevailed. He got to me and said “Gentleman in the back what is your name?” I responded “Christopher” He said “Do you have any children?” I said “No.” Thinking to myself maybe he ran out of accurate prophecies before he got to me. But he proceeded and told me that I will have a large Spiritual Family and many Spiritual Children. He said he that winneth souls is wise, and said I have the wisdom to win souls.” He then instructed the class to point their hands towards me and say in reference to winning souls “Go get em Tiger!” I was grateful that this prophecy had nothing to do with my immediate temporal situation, but with my intangible purpose on the earth. My prayer has been that God will give me a ministry that is so transparent, relevant, and powerful to reach anyone and everyone.

The scriptures he gave to support the word he gave me were:
KJV Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
KJV John 4:38 I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labor: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours.

Amidst learning about the Heidelberg Catechism, The Helvetic Confession, various doctrines and theologies, I did learn, allow nothing to satisfy your hunger for God. In a world where we measure progress, by fulfillment and completion, recognize the more you feed your appetite for God, the greater it will become. Now that I have relinquished my desire to complete my relationship with God and measure our relationship by man made benchmarks, I am falling in love with him all over again! Be relentless in your pursuit of God. KJV Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.


Rachel said...

You won my soul to Christ! That's 1 and counting =) Thank you for this (and that!). I have a question: Other than inundating yourself with the Word, how does one seek to satisfy the hunger to know God better(although full satiety is impossible)?

-Disciple of the Year

~~~ said...

hi chris!

great word. and since we know that God always confirms His word, here's a confirmation for you: yesterday, during my morning prayers, you came across my heart/mind and i prayed that your ministry would continue to flourish; and abound in energy and plain truth. i am so glad that reading your post today not only supports the word you received, but shows and confirms that i was in a right spirit during my prayer time.

missed you @ sunday school - continue to do well in your classes. btw (by the way) my mom graduated from fuller '03 w/ a master in divinity, and in fact she was just there at the library yesterday. small world! ;)

~mic (sunday school scribe)

Anonymous said...

Pastor Chris!!! I am perishioner at GBTOD, where your adorable God Daughter Hannah Rose is also a member.

It's a no brainer that you are in relationship with our Heavenly Father!!! You have given the best examples of "Life Abundantly" that I personally have heard!!! Everything from Selflessness, to self inventory, freely strengthening others, receiving and accepting the "process" at length...I could go on!

I appreciate your blog. It's like your own little chapter book. It's totally therapeutic (the delivery of the spiritual fetus)!!! I'm sure you'll agree, there is not a lot of people in our lives (purposed by God the Father) that we can share our spiritual revelations with!!! Let me guess, Hmmm. . . He wants to be that one!!! I suffer with that burden all the time. I'm like, they don't know like I a result, I'm continuosly trying different approaches in releying revelations, which frankly, can become quite lengthy, lol...I'm assured it's "part of the process." God knows, I don't want to "tamper with the process."

Pastor Chris, I love it! I am completely relating to living @100%! I have began to experience life abundantly and its absolutely the most fulfilling thing I have ever experienced. I can never go back! once we have been delivered from our old belief system, WOW!!!O'taste and see...

Pastor Chris, you are a beautiful trophy vessel for the Kingdom,

Sister Fran!

* Youth Pastor Chris said...

Disciple of the Year,

What a great question, hence my delayed response in answering. The best thing I can think of to deal with hunger for God, is falling in love with Him. It is a relationship that will never be satisfied because God is inexhaustible. Even after arriving in heaven where we will have a glorfied body that will enable us to experience and relate to God on a greater, deeper level, it will take an eternity to and then our hunger for God will still not be exhausted. So for down here, I could perscribe, bible reading, prayer, meditation, fasting, and other various spiritual disciplines, but the fact is that all of these must be driven by love. Psalm 42:1, Psalm 63:8 capture the heart of those who were hungry for God. So enjoy your honeymoon with God and you will like those who have been in relationship with God for long periods of time will agree that "He is sweeter as the days go by." and that "Everyday with Jesus is sweeter than the day before."


Anonymous said...

P.Foster is the best!!

Anonymous said...

C-Note...your blog is so dope! I needed some...some...what's the word...upliftment and I got it! Keep them coming!!!