Friday, August 8, 2008

Don't Sleep on the Power of Devotion

It is amazing how the simple things that are often taken for granted such as faith, prayer, fasting, and a sincere heart can be the paths that lead to a connection with God. Last night after watching Run’s House and eating a ice cream sundae from Baskin Robins (cold stone is bomb, but sometimes you have to go back to the “old landmark” (you would have had to grow up in church to get that!), I went to sleep with a myriad of emotions and thoughts regarding my responsibilities and things that need to happen. If we are not careful our natural situations can bombard our thoughts to the degree that our connection with the supernatural God is impeded by natural situations, instead of our Supernatural God impacting our natural situations.

I woke up this morning at 4am, and my immediate response was turn over and go back to sleep until the Today show to come on, but my Spirit tugged with desperation to connect with the presence of God. Even at the threshold of an encounter with God, my situations and things on my agenda came to my head, my personal inventory and where I desire be as a person began to inundate my mind, and what would have been prayer, was about to turn to contemplation and analysis. But my faith and desire for God prohibited me from becoming a prisoner of my own analysis and robbing me of my prayer time. I am reminded of when Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane and the bible declares, after taking Peter, James, and John with him to pray, KJV Matthew 26:38 Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. Jesus could have stopped with his feelings regarding his situation, but the bible says. And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.

I have discovered this morning, that your breakthrough, your Spiritual shift will occur if you have the courage to go a little further. The moment we step outside of our comfort zones, out of the norm, what we are accustomed to our faith will become the bridge that leads us to an encounter with God. Worship takes us a little further. In his presence there truly is fullness of joy. Bishop Swancy who Pastors the Peace Apostolic church told me that my grandmother who influenced my life in indescribable measures, used to sing a song called “In the garden.” This words of the song, say “…And He walks with me, and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own, and the joy that we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known.” Marvin Sapp does a phenomenal rendition of this song as well.

It is in the morning when thing are silent and tranquil, while it is still dark outside, as the new day dawns that I felt the embrace of God’s Spirit. I began to listen to his voice in prayer, listen to his word, and then I watched Deitrick Haddon presents…Voices of Unity “Together in Worship.” As the songs were playing, God was speaking, depositing into m Spirit. In enjoy “professional” encounters with God that prepare me to share publicly, but it is the “personal” encounter in the morning that reminds me that God and I have a secret place that we share. My mom and I used to have devotion in the morning before leaving school @ 6:50am. We would read a scripture, sing a song, and pray. Didn’t catch the significance at the time, but train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old, they will not depart from it. A married couple that is in a covenant relationship understands the value of communication. They must communicate in multiple scenarios. But perhaps one of the most significant scenarios is in the bed, “pillow talk” where they are transparent before one another in a way that they haven’t been before. While prayer is essential, don’t sleep on the power of devotion, “pillow talk.” The next time God nudges you wake up and become intoxicated by His presence, you won’t regret it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor Chris, BOOM!!! another bomb chapter:) I am enjoying your entries. The Lord has a way of using us in "immeasurable" ways to impact those that are in and out of our circle. I read a lot, I also write a lot. Now and then, after reading certain things, I get inspired to write! Your blog, this one in particular, reminds me of a lot of nights HE woke me out of my sleep ( alot ) and growing up, my mom always told us, when HE wakes you up in night like that, HE desires to supp with you, start praying. It's true! However, I cant deny that I too suffered from the "paralysis of analysis" until I went past my head and into my spirit - lol. . . With that being said, I realize that when I did overide the desires of my flesh and leave my comfort zone, I was cadupulted into the next level of my relationship with the HIM. A lot of times it would be in the midst of some circumstance HE designed, so I would depend on HIM anyway, and I would end-up trying to be independent and blowing it!!! But just like a good father, HE would give me multiple choice opportunities to be dependent on HIM that included waking me up to a silent dark room, just me and HIM. But Pastor Chris, Thank God, relationship with HIM is a series of lessons repeated, over and over until learned. Now, you can't pay me to "Sleep on the Power of Devotion," . . . .and that's real!

Grace and Peace,
Sis. Fran

Anonymous said...

Crazy madness!! I actually was awaken at 6am (and if you know me at all, you will know that that goes against everything I stand for) I tried to pray, but i just couldn't get it and then the Lord reminded me that we communicate through praise and worship as i walk that lake. So, i threw on my sweats, grabbed the all important Ipod with the gospel jams (actual name of the play list! LOL!!) and made my way around the lake. By time I made it back home, my mind was clear and i was able to go home, read my word and actually hear God speaking to me, it was amazing. Suddenly I was able to release my attitude about getting up at 6am. (come on Jesus you know me and 6am do not get along! LOL!!)but I got just what I needed...(i got just what needed) LOL!!! Sorry, i really miss that song and I'm very sleepy so I will bid you adieu...

Anonymous said...

Dr. Foster,
I have recently been inspired in much the same way in regards to moving in the supernatural rather then allowing the cares of this world to cloud my spiritual perception of things. I have a new vision and renewed goals after experiencing such a heavenly inspiriation. The most important perception is our spiritual perception. The thought that I was saved and blinded at the same time shocks me. I was shouting in church and praising God and still blind from the spiritual goals God gave me because life happened. I believe I am a person that tries hard to persevere through issues of life. But when it came to the vision God gave me I total dropped it and now I see that this was a mistake of mine that I can not afford to let happen again.

My fire to be in His presence has been turned up. Though the vision tarry I will continue to make it happen while I'm waiting. I can't allow myself to get stuck in a bind that keeps me from stepping into the supernatural reality of my life. I now see that the my supernatural reality is actually more real then the natural reality.

God Bless,
Antwon Martin