Thursday, September 25, 2008

One Day at a Time

Approximately 40 days until the election. The senate needs to pass a bill within the next few weeks to bail out the economy. It is Mid-September and I already have my work schedule for October, pending appointments and engagements through November. The danger of looking towards the possibility of the future is that you can miss the reality of the present. The future is often overrated and the present is not rated high enough. Not to get philosophical but there is no such thing as the future. Once the future arrives, it will be the present.

This was one of the first weeks I (kind of) took one day at a time. With the completion of a course for school, (see blog I’m Hungry) I had personal time that I devoted to God. I slept more than I usually sleep and felt rested this week. I also read the bible not for school purposes, and it spoke back to me in a profound way. I asked myself what was different this week and it hit me, I seized the moment. I took this week one day at a time.

I realize God who is omniscient and omnipotent could have created everything in 1 day; however he chooses to do it in 7 days. He embraced the process and celebrated small victories, not waiting until the entire creation process was completed to see “It was good.” Goodness is not in the completion alone, but in the process that leads to completion. The significance of each day is further expressed when the children of Israel were being led from Egypt, God fed them from heaven one day at a time, and instructed them to eat enough for one day and not to save any. In the model prayer recorded in the gospels, Jesus says Give us this day, our daily bread. When we take life one day at a time, it causes us to rely on Jesus entirely for everything.

I have a job where it is not uncommon, for a young person to come to me and say “Today was the best day of my life!” or “You changed my life!” In the past I would minimize these words and find a way to humbly turn it around, instead of saying thank you. I read a quote last week that checked me saying “You are not that great to be that humble.” Today when young people said these words I looked them in the eyes, thanked them, and allowed their gratitude to fill my heart.

Jesus was so accurate when he said, NAS Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. If you are married, then celebrate your spouse today, you don’t get to a 50th anniversary without discovering the significance within seemingly insignificant moments. If you are single cherish your solitude, and embrace the opportunity to devote your entire attention towards God. God I thank you for this moment and I repent for taking the present for granted. Thank you for things that help me remember the beauty of the moment and how precious life is, things like reading your word and allowing the words to leap from the pages into my sprit, my Fred Hammond Pages of Life CD chapters I & II, my John Mayer Continuum CD, Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream (visit the website only served in southern states)

What if tomorrow didn’t come, how did you spend today? I would hate to look back over my life and have the testimony of being busy without real significance. I can ill afford to miss life because I was too busy allegedly living life. The appointment of speaking anywhere is nothing unless I pause between flights to stare outside of the window at the cumulus and stratus clouds that God created. Relationships are insignificant, without expressing to those individuals how much I love, care, and appreciate them. Alicia Keys says “I don’t want to forget the present is a gift, and I don’t want to take for granted the time you may have here with me, Cause Lord only knows the another day here’s not really guaranteed.” Alicia couldn’t say it better than David, NAS Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Enough writing, time to go eat, its not everyday you get to be in Canada Eh?


Anonymous said...

P. Chris, P.Chris, P. Chris...I promise you are in my head sometimes. This very topic has been on my mind. THings with my job are super intense lately and yesterday I found myself A. Contemplating quitting my job B. Praying that June would come quickly and bring the end of the school year with it. I was so busy focusing on that things I wanted to be doing career wise that I wasn't thinking about the reasons God placed me at this school to work. I have to enjoy the moments that come, stop trying to rush past this job into my writing career and really acknowledge that GOd placed me here with these kids at this time and i need to look around at all of the good going on instead of the bad. I really hope this is on topic! LOL!! Thank you for this! I feel super encouraged and ready to start this day! Oh!! I finally got my proofs back from my publisher!! The cover is AMAZING!!! SO excited!!!

Anonymous said...

Alright Canada, how big is that! That's whats up. When you work for the GOD FATHER,lol... i couldn't stop myself. No but, Im praying for our leaders and potential leaders. Needless to say, it don't matter who's in office, im in relationship with the creator.

You went low-key deep on us ypc. The danger of looking towards the "possibility" of the future... the rest of that passage is knocking!!! like on some folks head, heart and spirit. Yesssss!!!

"Our daily bread" i love it. This is a piece of mines.

You remind me of whats important. The moment! Like this one. You have an amazing ability to express&convey your dealings with the Father. I love you & along with the Lord, you are going to make Your wife very happy some day. ( My Father said, know no man by the flesh, im totally feeding off of your spirit. ) its beautiful.

i have been without a car for about a year now, i just need to say that the Lord couldn't have chose a better time to have me correct my mistakes, lol. for real!!! Walking my 6 year old to school every day & taking public transportation to work has been the absolute most stressless, fulfilling, character developing, intimate connection with our Father, my son and His people along with the beauty of the earth, has been more than i can say here in your comments. (phathom that)& gas is a rip-off!

be anxious for nothing... Im very excitable, sometimes i get ahead of myself but look at how HE interlock your dealings in HIM to minister to me. Mind blowing.

keep doing it at 100%

Rachel said...

Lol Loved the "eh" at the end...not sure everyone caught that!

This entry really spoke to my heart. I thank you for it. The most powerful sentence (to me):

He embraced the process and celebrated small victories, not waiting until the entire creation process was completed to see “It was good.”

You better MINISTER! =)

Anonymous said...

Uh oh - Here i go, the anticipation is officially set in. It was announced in our youth meeting for leaders, you're ministering at our FNL service in February... very exciting!!! My expectation level is high and HE never disappoints... How big is that???

im praying for you Pastor Chris,